Commercial readiness is a dimension that, at times, is overlooked by startups or early-stage research projects. It impacts how an idea grows, develops, and determines if the service or technology is a good fit for the market and solves a problem.
At Helixos, we help make sure that you’ll be commercially ready when your energy technology or service is ready to hit the market. We work at the intersection of strategy consulting and technical advisory on projects that are aligned with sustainable development. Our team of experts specialise in cleantech commercialisation, helping startups and research organisations bring new clean energy technologies to market through business strategy, market intelligence, and strategic communications.
The Value Proposition Canvas
Strategyzer’s Value Proposition Canvas is the ideal way to determine whether your product or service fits with the market. Starting from the right-hand side, you need to understand your customers and end users, consider their pains, and what they want to gain. Next, move to the left and consider the value your product or service generates and how it can relieve a customer’s pains and contribute to their gains.
The Business Model Canvas
The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is nothing new to the world of commercialisation. It is the go-to tool for understanding all of the dimensions of your commercial operation. From sourcing suppliers for your product, to determining your revenue and cost structures, the BMC is a framework where you can showcase all of your thinking in one place — just have your post-it notes ready! You can download a BMC template from our website here.
There is no right or wrong way to tackle a BMC, however, if you used the Value Proposition Canvas above, the Value Proposition may be the best place to start. Then, you can move right to left across the canvas with different colored post-it notes for each customer segment. It is important to note that some of the canvas may not be validated and additional research will need to be undertaken to make your canvas more robust.

Helixos’ Business Model Canvas
Technology and Commercial Readiness Levels
Technology and commercial readiness levels are an excellent way to pinpoint and communicate to your stakeholders, potential investors, or future collaborators where your technology and commercial operations currently sit. They can also help you establish your future goals and where you want your service or technology to be by a certain timeframe.

Helixos’ Technology and Commercial Readiness Scales
Use this scale to understand which stage you are currently in and consider what steps are required to move up the readiness levels. Validating your Business Model Canvas contributes heavily to the growth in commercial readiness.
Village Capital’s Viral Pathway
Village Capital’s Viral Pathway is an excellent tool for determining what stage of business operations you are at. From establishing your team and value propositions, right through to your exit strategy, you can determine what funding options are available for your business.
Need Help Determining if You’re Commercially Ready?
Helixos has supported startups and R&D firms to analyse potential funding options for their technology and has helped review applications for funding.
If you would like to find out more tips and tricks to determine if you’re commercially ready or need support on your journey from development to deployment, contact us at https://www.helixos.co/contact to find out more.